Tuesday, June 28, 2011


   This was the 2011 Russell Brand remake. I have to say, I heard a whole lot of bad about it, but, I enjoyed it myself. A lot of people don't like Russell Brand, and I can see why, but, I think he's a funny guy and enjoy watching him in movies. After all the horror I had heard about this movie, I started it up cringing waiting to regret even starting it. It never happened though, I laughed quite a bit, and thought it was a pretty decent remake.

   A drunken playboy(Russell Brand) stands to lose all of his wealth when he falls in love with a woman his mother doesn't approve of. Trying to reign him in, his nanny(Helen Mirren) attempts to lead him in the right direction.

   Yeah, I don't know about that synopsis either, oh well, you get the idea. The movie was funny, had a few good laugh out load moments. It was however what I refer to as "stupid comedy" which is something, when done right, I just love to see. Perhaps that is one of the reasons I enjoy Russell Brand, he does a lot of stupid things that I find to be funny. I know a lot of people who would just find this movie dumb, but, I loved it.

   Now, I've seen the original Arthur, even know it was quite a bit before my time, it was, however, years ago when I say so I can't really compare this remake to the original. All I can say is I liked this version of Arthur, I thought it was funny, and well done. If you like comedy, and drunken benders, I'd definitely recommend this movie to you.

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