Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Black Death

   Sean Bean, only reason I watched this movie. Funny, I think I made that statement not to long ago for another movie. Anyway, I was still on my kick from the just finished first season of Game of Thrones, and I seen Sean Bean had recently done another medieval movie, so figured I should watch it. It was pretty good, could have been better but, I enjoyed it.

   Set during the time of the first outbreak of bubonic plague in England, a young monk is tasked with learning the truth about reports of people being brought back to life in a small village.Escorted by knights sent by the bishop to find the root of this evil.

   Let's see, biggest complaint for me has to be some of the acting being rather bland. Particularly from Eddie Remayne, I loved him in Pillars of Earth, but, I felt that he played the same character in this one, yet, poorly. The makeup and effects were quite bad also, it was almost laughable at points. The story was done well, for what it was. The sets and locations were fantastic.

   All in all, if you like Sean Bean, you'll like this movie. He plays the roll he plays in every movie or television show I've seen him in. If you've seen more then one of his films, you know what roll I'm talking about. It was to fantastical, so if you are looking for a more serious venture into the medieval, this would be a good choice for you too.

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