Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Age of Heroes

   The movie sounded pretty interesting when I read what it was about, so I decided to watch it. It wasn't that good, but, it wasn't horrible either. The acting was good, the action was decent enough. I just wasn't a big fan of the pacing of the film, that's what did it for me. I can't quite put my finger on the exact issue, but, I knew something was off.

   The true story of the birth of Ian Fleming's commando unit. With the orders to take down a Nazi Freya system, these highly trained commandos infiltrate the base in Norway, with the orders to steal it's technology and destroy the surrounding towers, but, will they meet their most important objective, make it out alive?

   I'm not the biggest fan of the WW2 era, which is when this movie takes place, however, I still enjoyed the movie enough to see it through. Sean Bean put on a good performance as always, can't complain about that. What I can complain about is the ending. Most movies that are based on a true story end with telling you want happened after the mission, and into the future. This one left me hanging. Didn't tell me what happened to any of the commandos, or even where they ended up in the future.

   If you are a fan of Ian Fleming, or of the WW2 era, this movie would probably interest you quite a bit. If you are not, well you should probably pass on this one. I can't really give a solid recommendation for this movie either way. So, I'll say this, watch at your own risk.

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