Thursday, June 16, 2011


   Let me start off with this, Liam Neeson is the man. Now that we have that out of the way, this was actually a pretty damn good movie. I actually didn't see the twist coming in this one, it didn't really blow me away by any means, but, it was still a surprise all the same. The acting was fantastic, the accents were not.

   After a car accident, a man awakes from a coma only to discovery that someone has taken his identity, and no one, not even his own wife believes him. Now on the search for proof of who he is, and why someone would steal his identity.

   Okay, about the whole accent thing I talked about earlier. As much as I love Liam Neeson, he can't do a believable American accent, but, that's okay, I don't hold him back for it. Other then that, I loved the movie. It wasn't quite as action packed as I thought it would be, I went in expecting a movie akin to Taken. I did however still enjoy the mystery story this movie had to tell.

   Look, this movie isn't going to win any awards, and I doubt many people will even know it exist, I didn't. Though I am happy I came across it and got to see it. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone, especially if you are a fan of Liam Neeson, or a good mystery.

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