Tuesday, June 7, 2011

X-Men: First Class

   I've been hearing quite a few different reviews for this movie prior to seeing it. I've heard that it ranks up in the quality of The Dark Knight, and I've also heard that it was so bad I'd want to pull my eyes out. Not knowing which to believe I went in with an open mind, and expecting nothing. It definitely wasn't as bad as I've heard, but, it wasn't of Christopher Nolan quality either.

   X-Men: First Class is the origin story of some of your favorite marvel heroes, Professor Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Havok, Beast, and Banshee. This movie tells how these people came to know each other, and what pushed them to view the world in the way they do now. Set during the Cold War, and the Cuban missile crisis.

   I thought the movie was pretty good, I however liked the first trilogy of X-Men movie better then this one, and with the money it's making in theaters at the moment, I'm sure there will be a sequel to this movie in the coming years. Not really to much to point out, it was an X-Men movie, so great CGI effects, interesting story structure, and fantastic fighting.

   This movie focused more on story then it did on the action front, which leaves me to assume, a sequel, which I'm sure will come, will focus more on the action, and use of powers then this movie did. I'd recommend it to any fan of Marvel or superheroes in general.

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