Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

   Excuse the language but, holy shit what a horrible movie. I think it might have been the goal of those who produced this movie to gather all of the worst over actors in the business and put them in one movie just to see what happens. Well, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night is what happened. It was like watching high school students act.

   Dylan Dog a supernatural private eye comes out of retirement when a crazed monster begins killing humans. Is all as it seems, or has Dylan opened up a can of worms he wasn't ready to accept.

   Okay, now read that horrible plot synopsis I just wrote, that was really bad right? Yeah, picture having to hear someone speak like that for almost two hours, and over react the entire time. That is what this movie was. I had no clue who Dylan Dog was when I watched this movie, I was aware he was a comic book character but that was about it, and I can say after seeing this movie I have no intention of finding out more about him.

   Don't get me wrong the Dylan Dog comics could be amazing, but, this movie was so horrible that I don't even want to find out. When a movie can completely ruin a character for you, that's a bad movie in my opinion. With that being said, don't see this movie, especially if you enjoy the Dylan Dog comics, because, after watching this abomination, you might just burn your entire collection, and stick a toothpick in your eye.

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