Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sucker Punch

    Disappointment, that was the only word that kept ruining through my head while watching this movie. Well, that and that Emily Browning is smoking hot as a blond. This movie wasn't anything that I thought it would be, I had heard nothing but good from it from friends, but, it wasn't anything like I thought it would be.

   Sucker Punch follows a young girl named Baby Doll, who was institutionalized by her abusive step father, and while locked away fantasizes of an alternate reality where see envisions a plan to escape.

   So, if you were to cut out all the plot from this movie, all the dialog, and just leave the action sequences, this movie would be a bad ass forty minute music video. But, when you leave it all together you get a poorly acted, convoluted story with no real character development, or point. That's basically how I would sum up this movie.

   I say skip this movie, unless all you care about is a seeing hot women dressed in skimpy cloths kicking ass using wire fu. Otherwise don't see this movie, just pick up the soundtrack, that is really the only worthwhile part of this movie. That is something I also plan to pick up when I come across it. Great music, horrible movie.

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