Saturday, June 4, 2011


   I've been pretty much over the whole vampire phase for quite awhile now, but, I still love a good action movie, so I figured I could look past the whole vampire-ness of this movie, and watch it for the action scenes. Sad to say, I don't think this movie will see a sequel, it was a pretty lackluster movie all the way through.

   Vampires and humans have always existed with one another, and have been in constant conflict since the beginning. As the years have gone by, the sheer power of the vampires were pushing humankind into extinction. But, with the introduction of the priest, warriors trained by the church, humankind was able to root out and capture or destroy most vampires. After the war, the priest were decommissioned, but, was that to soon? Is the war still waging?

   I felt the story moved a little to fast in this movie, it could have been paced better, the action scenes, were short and also extremely one sided. They ended the movie setting it up for a sequel, but, from what I seen with it, there won't be one. I don't really know how else to explain my feelings for this movie. How about, you are going to a fireworks display, you expect it to be big and beautiful, instead they just shoot off three or four bottle rockets and call it a day, saying "Come back next year, and see it again!" Yeah, that was pretty much this movie.

   I wouldn't recommend seeing this movie, but, I'm not completely against it either. I sure some will really enjoy it, but, what I will say is this, if you do decide to see it, don't expect to much from it. And if you decide to skip out on it, you aren't missing much.

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