Sunday, June 5, 2011


   So, it was like a female Jason Bourne. That's really the best way to describe it, except for the fact that the girl was underage, and lived in a forest her entire life. Other then that a female Jason Bourne. Big question though, was the movie good? I didn't much care for it, but, I could see that it has potential, just wasn't clicking with me.

   A girl raised to be a killer, trained by her father, to have no fear and no remorse. Raised in the forest, having to hunt for food to survive, Hanna is the perfect killing machine. Sent to avenge her mothers death is the only thing on her mind.

   Wow, that plot summary blows, oh well I'm over it moving on. As I said earlier, I didn't much care for this movie, can't put my finger on why as of yet, but, just wasn't for me. The acting was pretty good, the action scenes were well done, but, poorly shot. The plot was convoluted at first, but ironed itself out as the movie went along. The ending left a bad taste in my mouth.

   I don't think I'll ever purposely watch this movie again, I found myself bored as the movie neared the halfway point. I wouldn't recommend this movie, yet, I can see the potential in it. Others may enjoy this more then I did. But, if your taste have meshed with mine so far, I'd stay away from this one.

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