Tuesday, June 28, 2011


   This was the 2011 Russell Brand remake. I have to say, I heard a whole lot of bad about it, but, I enjoyed it myself. A lot of people don't like Russell Brand, and I can see why, but, I think he's a funny guy and enjoy watching him in movies. After all the horror I had heard about this movie, I started it up cringing waiting to regret even starting it. It never happened though, I laughed quite a bit, and thought it was a pretty decent remake.

   A drunken playboy(Russell Brand) stands to lose all of his wealth when he falls in love with a woman his mother doesn't approve of. Trying to reign him in, his nanny(Helen Mirren) attempts to lead him in the right direction.

   Yeah, I don't know about that synopsis either, oh well, you get the idea. The movie was funny, had a few good laugh out load moments. It was however what I refer to as "stupid comedy" which is something, when done right, I just love to see. Perhaps that is one of the reasons I enjoy Russell Brand, he does a lot of stupid things that I find to be funny. I know a lot of people who would just find this movie dumb, but, I loved it.

   Now, I've seen the original Arthur, even know it was quite a bit before my time, it was, however, years ago when I say so I can't really compare this remake to the original. All I can say is I liked this version of Arthur, I thought it was funny, and well done. If you like comedy, and drunken benders, I'd definitely recommend this movie to you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Age of Heroes

   The movie sounded pretty interesting when I read what it was about, so I decided to watch it. It wasn't that good, but, it wasn't horrible either. The acting was good, the action was decent enough. I just wasn't a big fan of the pacing of the film, that's what did it for me. I can't quite put my finger on the exact issue, but, I knew something was off.

   The true story of the birth of Ian Fleming's commando unit. With the orders to take down a Nazi Freya system, these highly trained commandos infiltrate the base in Norway, with the orders to steal it's technology and destroy the surrounding towers, but, will they meet their most important objective, make it out alive?

   I'm not the biggest fan of the WW2 era, which is when this movie takes place, however, I still enjoyed the movie enough to see it through. Sean Bean put on a good performance as always, can't complain about that. What I can complain about is the ending. Most movies that are based on a true story end with telling you want happened after the mission, and into the future. This one left me hanging. Didn't tell me what happened to any of the commandos, or even where they ended up in the future.

   If you are a fan of Ian Fleming, or of the WW2 era, this movie would probably interest you quite a bit. If you are not, well you should probably pass on this one. I can't really give a solid recommendation for this movie either way. So, I'll say this, watch at your own risk.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

   Excuse the language but, holy shit what a horrible movie. I think it might have been the goal of those who produced this movie to gather all of the worst over actors in the business and put them in one movie just to see what happens. Well, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night is what happened. It was like watching high school students act.

   Dylan Dog a supernatural private eye comes out of retirement when a crazed monster begins killing humans. Is all as it seems, or has Dylan opened up a can of worms he wasn't ready to accept.

   Okay, now read that horrible plot synopsis I just wrote, that was really bad right? Yeah, picture having to hear someone speak like that for almost two hours, and over react the entire time. That is what this movie was. I had no clue who Dylan Dog was when I watched this movie, I was aware he was a comic book character but that was about it, and I can say after seeing this movie I have no intention of finding out more about him.

   Don't get me wrong the Dylan Dog comics could be amazing, but, this movie was so horrible that I don't even want to find out. When a movie can completely ruin a character for you, that's a bad movie in my opinion. With that being said, don't see this movie, especially if you enjoy the Dylan Dog comics, because, after watching this abomination, you might just burn your entire collection, and stick a toothpick in your eye.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sucker Punch

    Disappointment, that was the only word that kept ruining through my head while watching this movie. Well, that and that Emily Browning is smoking hot as a blond. This movie wasn't anything that I thought it would be, I had heard nothing but good from it from friends, but, it wasn't anything like I thought it would be.

   Sucker Punch follows a young girl named Baby Doll, who was institutionalized by her abusive step father, and while locked away fantasizes of an alternate reality where see envisions a plan to escape.

   So, if you were to cut out all the plot from this movie, all the dialog, and just leave the action sequences, this movie would be a bad ass forty minute music video. But, when you leave it all together you get a poorly acted, convoluted story with no real character development, or point. That's basically how I would sum up this movie.

   I say skip this movie, unless all you care about is a seeing hot women dressed in skimpy cloths kicking ass using wire fu. Otherwise don't see this movie, just pick up the soundtrack, that is really the only worthwhile part of this movie. That is something I also plan to pick up when I come across it. Great music, horrible movie.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


   Let me start off with this, Liam Neeson is the man. Now that we have that out of the way, this was actually a pretty damn good movie. I actually didn't see the twist coming in this one, it didn't really blow me away by any means, but, it was still a surprise all the same. The acting was fantastic, the accents were not.

   After a car accident, a man awakes from a coma only to discovery that someone has taken his identity, and no one, not even his own wife believes him. Now on the search for proof of who he is, and why someone would steal his identity.

   Okay, about the whole accent thing I talked about earlier. As much as I love Liam Neeson, he can't do a believable American accent, but, that's okay, I don't hold him back for it. Other then that, I loved the movie. It wasn't quite as action packed as I thought it would be, I went in expecting a movie akin to Taken. I did however still enjoy the mystery story this movie had to tell.

   Look, this movie isn't going to win any awards, and I doubt many people will even know it exist, I didn't. Though I am happy I came across it and got to see it. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone, especially if you are a fan of Liam Neeson, or a good mystery.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


   I do love the combination of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, every movie I've seen that had them in it together has been great. This movie did not disappoint, it also probably helped that I'm just as big of a nerd as the characters they portrayed in the film. I didn't know what to expect with Seth Rogen voicing the alien, but, surprisingly it fit well.

    While on vacation in America for comic con, and a trip across the states to all the alien hot spots, Graeme and Clive come across a real alien running for his life, trying to get back home. An adventure that will turn these two nerds into heroes.

   The CGI could have been better, but, other then that it was a pretty fun movie. It was funny, and had good dialog. The story was fun and interesting, had a fare amount of action in it, overall I enjoyed it quite a bit.

    So, I say, you should watch this movie, especially if you enjoy any of the actors in it, or if you just a big nerd like me, it has a little for everyone. Even a small love story throughout, if you're in to that sort of thing. So take some time out of your day, sit on the couch and watch Paul, I don't think you'll regret it.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

   Normally I'll let a movie stew for a day or so after I see it before I review it. But, I think I'll knock this one out right now, it shouldn't be to difficult. This was the worse one so far, I may be a little biased, but, what this movie was missing was a little Keira Knightley, that may very well be the reason I didn't like this one as much. Other then that, it was pretty much you standard Pirates movie.

   Captain Jack Sparrow is back, and this time he's on the hunt for the Fountain of Youth, you'll see many familiar faces along the way, along with the legendary Black Beard. Will Jack's luck finally run out, or will he triumph over Black Beard, zombies, mermaids, and the Royal Navy?

   Johnny Depp must just love the character of Jack Sparrow, the fourth movie has just come out, and he's already in talks for a fifth. I must say it is a fun character, and I'll definitely see what ever Disney cooks up next with him, but, how long will this franchise be able to hold on for, before people start to get tired of it.

   Pirates was funny, and an interesting watch, I enjoyed myself all the way through, the end obviously leaves it open for a sequel as expected. I'd have to say if you enjoyed the previous films you'll love this one, maybe not as much, with the gorgeous Keira Knightley gone, but, Penélope Cruz isn't a bad stand in. If you didn't like the previous films, well, you won't like this one either.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

X-Men: First Class

   I've been hearing quite a few different reviews for this movie prior to seeing it. I've heard that it ranks up in the quality of The Dark Knight, and I've also heard that it was so bad I'd want to pull my eyes out. Not knowing which to believe I went in with an open mind, and expecting nothing. It definitely wasn't as bad as I've heard, but, it wasn't of Christopher Nolan quality either.

   X-Men: First Class is the origin story of some of your favorite marvel heroes, Professor Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Havok, Beast, and Banshee. This movie tells how these people came to know each other, and what pushed them to view the world in the way they do now. Set during the Cold War, and the Cuban missile crisis.

   I thought the movie was pretty good, I however liked the first trilogy of X-Men movie better then this one, and with the money it's making in theaters at the moment, I'm sure there will be a sequel to this movie in the coming years. Not really to much to point out, it was an X-Men movie, so great CGI effects, interesting story structure, and fantastic fighting.

   This movie focused more on story then it did on the action front, which leaves me to assume, a sequel, which I'm sure will come, will focus more on the action, and use of powers then this movie did. I'd recommend it to any fan of Marvel or superheroes in general.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


   So, it was like a female Jason Bourne. That's really the best way to describe it, except for the fact that the girl was underage, and lived in a forest her entire life. Other then that a female Jason Bourne. Big question though, was the movie good? I didn't much care for it, but, I could see that it has potential, just wasn't clicking with me.

   A girl raised to be a killer, trained by her father, to have no fear and no remorse. Raised in the forest, having to hunt for food to survive, Hanna is the perfect killing machine. Sent to avenge her mothers death is the only thing on her mind.

   Wow, that plot summary blows, oh well I'm over it moving on. As I said earlier, I didn't much care for this movie, can't put my finger on why as of yet, but, just wasn't for me. The acting was pretty good, the action scenes were well done, but, poorly shot. The plot was convoluted at first, but ironed itself out as the movie went along. The ending left a bad taste in my mouth.

   I don't think I'll ever purposely watch this movie again, I found myself bored as the movie neared the halfway point. I wouldn't recommend this movie, yet, I can see the potential in it. Others may enjoy this more then I did. But, if your taste have meshed with mine so far, I'd stay away from this one.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


   I've been pretty much over the whole vampire phase for quite awhile now, but, I still love a good action movie, so I figured I could look past the whole vampire-ness of this movie, and watch it for the action scenes. Sad to say, I don't think this movie will see a sequel, it was a pretty lackluster movie all the way through.

   Vampires and humans have always existed with one another, and have been in constant conflict since the beginning. As the years have gone by, the sheer power of the vampires were pushing humankind into extinction. But, with the introduction of the priest, warriors trained by the church, humankind was able to root out and capture or destroy most vampires. After the war, the priest were decommissioned, but, was that to soon? Is the war still waging?

   I felt the story moved a little to fast in this movie, it could have been paced better, the action scenes, were short and also extremely one sided. They ended the movie setting it up for a sequel, but, from what I seen with it, there won't be one. I don't really know how else to explain my feelings for this movie. How about, you are going to a fireworks display, you expect it to be big and beautiful, instead they just shoot off three or four bottle rockets and call it a day, saying "Come back next year, and see it again!" Yeah, that was pretty much this movie.

   I wouldn't recommend seeing this movie, but, I'm not completely against it either. I sure some will really enjoy it, but, what I will say is this, if you do decide to see it, don't expect to much from it. And if you decide to skip out on it, you aren't missing much.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Hangover Part 2

   I loved The Hangover, it was hands down the funnest movie that came out that year, so it's very safe to say I was really looking forward to this one. Was I let down? A little bit, I expected more from the sequel, but instead I got almost the exact same movie. And when I say exact, I mean almost to the letter, exact same movie.

   The Wolf pack is back, and this time their in Thailand for Stu's wedding, but, after waking up once again in a strange place with no memories of what happened the night before, and another missing friend, they have to retrace their steps from the previous night and hope they can still come out on top.

   See what I mean? Exact same movie, it was still very funny, but, not as funny as the previous movie. It did well in the box office though, in fact I have already read that they are writing the script for the third installment to this franchise. Did I enjoy the movie? Hell yes I did, it was funny, as I said, and even know it was the same plot from the last movie, it still worked.

   They may have recycled a few of the jokes from the last movie, but there was enough new material to keep me rolling throughout the film. Especially the scene with Stu and the rest of the Wolf pack in the Thai strip club. This movie however was much dirty then the last, not just language wise, but, full frontal male nudity wise. You should keep that in mind before you decide to watch this one. I do recommend this movie to everyone, whether you've seen the last one or not, you'll still laugh at this one.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


   I know it's been awhile since my last post, but, hey, it's been awhile since the last movie I saw, and the last one I was was Rango. So, let's talk about it a little bit, shall we? It was better then I expected it to be, same story structure as every kids movie since the beginning of time, but, still had me laughing at a few of the parts throughout. I enjoyed it a enough to finish the movie, but, other then that, I doubt I'll ever think of this movie again.

   Rango follows a lizard who after an unfortunate event is left in the desert to fend for himself. Coming upon a town, he decides, since no one knows who he is, he could be anyone. Could this initiative put him in more danger then he's ready for? Or will he end up becoming the man he dreams to be.

   I really don't know what else to say about this movie, it was cute, had a few laugh out loud funny parts, but was very predictable. Had a few jokes, and throwbacks tossed in for the adults to keep them entertained, which I also liked. Other then that, it was forgettable.

   I doubt I'll ever watch this movie again, or even think about it again, that could be why this review is going to end up so sort. Even know I enjoyed the movie enough while I watched, I've already forgotten about it. I'd recommend it if you have any kids, or really enjoy Johnny Depp, otherwise, you aren't missing out on anything.