Monday, February 28, 2011

Winter's Bone

   I am a little late on posting this one, I watched this movie on Saturday and just remembered I needed to write a review for it. So, here we go. Winter's Bone, I didn't know anything about this movie going into it, all I knew is that it was nominated for Best Picture, and it was the only one I haven't seen yet out of the ten nominated. So, I decided to watch it, and I could see why it was nominated. It was a very gripping tale indeed, I was hooked to the screen for start until the credits rolled.

   Winter's Bone is about a seventeen year old girl named Ree, and her need to find her meth cooking father, or risk losing the home she lives in with her ill mother and younger brother and sister as their caretaker. Her father placed their home up as his bail, and is unable to be found as the court date draws near. So, Ree decides to ask around for her father and try to find him, but, the area in which she leaves, people don't like to be asked questions.

   Jennifer Lawrence was amazing in this film, she played the part as if she was born to do it. John Hawkes was so good, I didn't even know it was him playing the character Teardrop until I seen his name come up in the end credits. It really amazed me at how well this movie was done, and how fantastic the characters were played.

   This movie may have not won Best Picture, but, it did deserve it's nomination, and I wouldn't have been surprised if it did take the award, it would have been well deserved. This was a great movie, the flaws were few and far between, do yourselves a favor and watch this, I highly recommend it.

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