Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Kings Speech

   This movie has been nominated for The Academy Award for Best Picture at the time I'm writing this. I figured I better give it a viewing to see what all the noise was about. The Kings Speech was incredible, it was a very engrossing tale, following the rise of King George VI

   The Kings Speech follows King George VI journey to the throne, and his dealings with his speech impediment. At the cusp of war the king befriends a speech therapist named Lionel Logue who helps him over come his stammer and gives him the confidence to lead a nation.

   Colin Firth was phenomenal as King George VI, I'll be surprised if he doesn't take home the Oscar for his performance. The script for this film, the actors portraying their rolls were beyond perfect. I didn't expect this film to be as riveting as it was, but it blew me away.

   I honestly don't think it's possible to recommend this film well enough in written word. Perhaps I should film my recommendation in interpretative dance instead. Go see this movie, you'll regret not doing so, I promise you that.

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