Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Next Three Days

   The Next Three Days staring the slightly rotund and very angry Russell Crowe. Yeah, it wasn't bad, but it was far to long of a movie for what it offered. They could have probably cut a good 20 minutes out of the movie and it would have been a lot better. It had far to much bloat in the middle, much like Russell Crowe.(See what I did there?)

   The Next Three Days is about a family who gets torn apart when the mother(Elizabeth Banks) gets accused of murder and is sent to prison. Josh Brennan(Russell Crowe) after exhausting every legal way to free his wife, decides to break her out of prison. Now, on a moderate teachers salary he must study, plan, and fund her escape and make it out of the country. Will he be able to do it? Or will not only his sons mother be in prison but also his father.

   It was a bit unrealistic to see a professor at a community college in what seemed like a few months become an expert at breaking and entering and escaping the police. But, it was a movie, and that's what most movies are, unrealistic. Still, it was almost to much to be believed. Not to mention the wife played by Elizabeth Banks was so unlikable through out the entire movie, it really didn't grab you and pull you in. I mean, I'm not sure if it was the writing, or the acting but, no matter what happened I just felt nothing toward the wife, I could really careless what happened to her.

   The movie, on the hole, was far to long for what it tried to present, the acting was fairly sub par and the wife, which was a major supporting character was completely unlikeable, while the movie told a decent story, I still would not recommend. Do yourself a favor, pass on this one, it isn't worth your time.

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