Monday, February 14, 2011


   I've put watching Devil off for quite a long time, last few M. Night Shyamalan movies really disappointed me, and I just didn't want to get  hit with that disappointment again with this movie. Well, it happened again. I guess I should have put watching this movie off even longer, maybe even forever. The twists were obvious from the very beginning, and I just expected better.

   Devil is a film about 5 people who get stuck in an elevator together and as the passengers begin to die off one by one, fears start to rise. Believing that one of the passengers maybe the devil, building security and police watch on in horror at what is happening in the elevator via the camera. What or who is causing this?

  The movie was pretty bad, about as bad as that plot synopsis I just wrote for it. Not quite as bad as that, but, pretty close. The acting was believable, but, knowing what's going to happen from the opening minutes of the movie, really doesn't make it very engrossing. M. Night was once a master of twist and turns in a movie, now, he's just to obvious.

   The movie was fairly short, that was a good thing, so I'd recommend it if you have time to kill and you want to see people trapped in an elevator. Really though, how often do you want to do that? Best bet is to just pass on this one, that is my real recommendation.

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