Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Mechanic

   I'm a fan of Jason Statham and Ben Foster, so I was pretty psyched going into this movie. Now, I haven't seen the original with Charles Bronson, but, I did like this remake. The movie was action packed, and full of big ass explosions. Not much else a guy could ask for.

   The Mechanic is a remake of the 1972 movie by the same name, staring Charles Bronson. It's about a hit man who ends up training the son of one of his targets to be a hit man like himself. When he finds out he was tricked into doing something he didn't want to do, he and his newly trained partner decide to take down everyone who comes against them.

   The movie was good, it had a pretty solid ending on it, the ending was somewhat expected, but, was still done well. Lots of guns, lots of explosions, and a few naked chicks. This is a guys movie through and through. I recommend a watch if you want to kick your testosterone into overdrive and see what it's like to be awesome.

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