Friday, April 29, 2011


   This movie was a lot different, and a lot better then I thought it would be. I was never a fan of the series The Office, and therefore, never really seen anything Rainn Wilson has done. This movie however, may have me invest a little more into his career. It was a awkward and weired movie, but, those type of movies always work with me.

   Super is about an ordinary man, a cook at a diner(Rainn Wilson). After his wife is taken it away from him under the guise of drugs form a local drug dealer, he decides to become a Super Hero, fight crime, and get his wife back from the man who took her. Along the way meeting a young girl(Ellen Page), who becomes his sidekick.

   This movie was actually extremely graphic then I expected it would be. I really don't know how else to explain this movie, I guess just an awkward, over the top, somewhat misguided super hero fights crime. That's about the best description I can come up with. I have to touch on the character played by Ellen Page just a little bit. She's crazy, and psychotic, she really made the movie something beyond just your man becomes hero films that seem to be pumping out these last few years.

   As I said earlier, even know this movie, for the lack of a better term was fucked up, I still enjoyed it, and would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of do-it-yourself superheroes. Just don't expect this super heroes moral compass to be as straight as other heroes you know.

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