Sunday, April 24, 2011


   I knew absolutely nothing about this movie going in, all I knew is that it was the "scariest" movie in years. Now, I'm not a big horror fan, but I thought I guess I should see this. People have been telling me this is the most legit scary movie they've ever seen. So, I was ready for it, waited until it was dark out, shut off all the lights in my house and I was ready to be scared.

   Insidious follows a family who move into a new home. When one of their sons mysteriously falls into a coma, and the mother starts seeing what she believes to be ghost, she starts to believe that there is something more to this new house they moved into.

   I admit I jumped a few times watching it, however, it wasn't anything new and exciting that got me to jump, it was the same old quick flash on screen, queue jump in music, and boo! Other then that, I didn't think it was scary at all. What makes movies scary to me, is the possibility of it actually happening. The way the hunting was set up in this movie, gave no reason for me to fear it ever happening to me.

   In fact, the acting in this movie was so horrible, along with some of the shots of the "ghosts" I actually laughed a few times. That should be a dead give-a-way that you failed at making a horror film, when I laugh at what is suppose to be scary. You know I don't ever spoil anything in the movie during my reviews, but, if I did I would give you some very choice examples of the above.

   Really, the scariest movie I've ever seen, and don't laugh at this. No Country for Old Men. Seriously, the hit man played by Javier Bardem literally frightened me. Just because I felt it could actually happen, more likely then any horror movie I've seen. It was just, terrifying.

   The horrible acting, and the lack of fright aside, this movie wasn't to bad. It was a take I had never personally seen before, though I'm sure exist. I guess I'd honestly recommend seeing this, if not for the fact that you can laugh at the people who were actually scared by this movie.

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