Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Battle: Los Angeles

Man, have I heard a lot of bad stuff about this movie before I watched it. I mean a lot, about how poor the plot was, about how unrealistic it was, about how poor the military decisions were. First of all, it was a movie, it isn't a documentary, it was meant to entertain you, not give you a play by play of what would really happen. On that note, it was entertaining to me. I thought it was a pretty damn good action movie.

   When meteors begin to strike the earth, just off the coast of every continent with expert precision, the military is sent in to investigate, what turns out to be a full scale invasion from another planet. Why are they here? What do they want? Can we stop them before they wipe us out?

   Sure, the fighting was a bit unrealistic, these cyborg, armor clad, laser shooting aliens are being torn a new one by like 12 Marines, yet, when the aliens come against another soldiers, be it Marine or otherwise they simply mow through them. Yeah, hard to believe, but, as I stated above, it was just movie, meant to entertain, and it was successful at that.

   If you're a fan of alien invasions, giant explosions, gunfights, and war in general. This movie is something that should really pique your interest, I recommend it.

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