Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

   I didn't expect this film to be as interesting as it was. I was very glad to be wrong about that. It took a very scifi turn, that I didn't even know this movie had, guess I should start watching trailers for films more often. The acting was very good, one of the best performances from Matt Damon I've seen in awhile.

   What if there were people who made sure you life followed a certain path. On the days you start to drift from you set path, they may have you lose your keys, misplace your shoes. The Adjustment Bureau follows just that idea, but, no matter how hard they tried, could they really push a person into the path they want, or can people, through seer will make their own paths.

   It was a perfect blend of drama, romance, and with just the right amount of comedy sprinkled over top. This movie was very interesting, and will keep you guessing until the very end. The on screen chemistry between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt was palpable, was wonderful to watch.

   I didn't expect much from this movie, but was surprised, it was very well done, and paced. I definitely recommend seeing this movie, make time for it one night, or one rainy afternoon. It was worth the watch.

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