Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Strings Attached

   Listen, I had no intention of ever seeing this movie, that's how much I dislike Ashton Kutcher, but, I had a hard time passing up a Natalie Portman movie, even after the tragedy that was the New Star Wars trilogy.

  Guess what else, I don't think I'm going to do a synopsis for this movie, because I really hate writing those, I'm not sure why but I do. So, here's the short and sweet, guy really likes this girl, she is emotionally numb, they decide to be sex friends, you tell me what happens next?

   Overall, the movie was okay I guess, it had a few funny parts throughout the film, but, it was you basic romantic comedy, followed the same story arc that they all follow, I'm fairly certain I don't have to tell you what that is. Without even starting this movie, you already know how it will end, you already know what the arc of the story is, you know it all.

  So really, what is the point of seeing this movie if you already know everything that is going to happen in this movie? Honestly, there isn't a reason, it was okay, but, wasn't anything special. I mean, come on, same old played out movie. You should just do yourself a favor and watch a more unique romantic comedy, like 500 Days of Summer, at least it's different.

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