Monday, April 18, 2011

The Buddy Holly Story

   Yeah, this movie came out before I was born, and I watched it for the first time last night. Released in 1978, and you know, I never would have guessed that, the quality of this movie really held through the years. I have to say I was impressed.

   This movie followed the rise and untimely death of Buddy Holly (Gary Busey).

   Yeah, that's about all you need for as synopsis of this movie,  I have to say Gary Busey was pretty good in this movie, I can see why he ended up getting nominated for Best Actor from this movie. Now, of course Buddy Holly was way before my time, but, I have to say, this movie made me want to learn more about him, it's something that with just over a year of fame before his death he was able to influence so many people later down the road.

   I know this movie got hit pretty hard after its release for all of its inaccuracies, but still, from just a semi biographical point a of view, and for just the sheer entertainment purposes of the movie, it was well worth the watch. The ending of the movie, and I mean the very ending, the last scene where they just freeze the shot and put what happened later that night on scene made me laugh. The whole movie was good, but, that scene was just ridiculous, like they ran out of ideas for how to end it.

Other then that one part, the movie was very good, and I'd recommend it to anyone, just to get a rough idea of what life was like as Buddy Holly.

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