Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Dilemma

   Let's just say their is a reason this movie only has a 4.9 rating out of 10 on IMDB. It's not a good movie. Really, the best part of this movie was when the credits began to roll, because that meant it was over and I'd get to move on with my life and never have to sit through that travesty again.

   What would you do if you caught your best friends wife with another man? The Dilemma takes two business parts who are trying to create a realistic sounding electric engine and puts one of them in that same situation.

   It wouldn't have been as bad if the movie was actually funny, which it wasn't. The story of the film I thought would have been a good idea if it had been done right, which it wasn't. The movie might have been decent had the acting been at least sub par, which it wasn't. So the movie went zero for three in my eyes, a failure on all accounts. I expected better, well, hoped for better, but, was let down in the end.

   I wouldn't wish this movie on my worst enemy, if that's any inclination of how bad it is, double it and you are at least close. I don't not recommend seeing this movie, but, if you do, I'm sorry for your loss.

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