Thursday, May 19, 2011


   A modern day version of the classic Beauty and the Beast story done horribly. It wasn't as bad as I heard it was, but, it was horrible none the less. Neil Patrick Harris couldn't even put this movie back on track, maybe if he had gotten a little more screen time, he could have saved this poor movies ugly soul.

   Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) is a vain jerk, who believes beauty is all that matters, when he rags on the wrong girl about her looks, she curses him to be as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside. She gives him a year to find real love or he will stay ugly forever. Can he really change and become a better person?

   Okay, where should I start? The title of this movie is Beastly, that is a horrible title for any movie. I should have known what I was getting into with that. Vanessa Hudgens, how is she famous? She cannot act at all, she's a pretty face who seems to have an issue with taking naked pictures of herself, that's it. I actually felt a little embarrassed for her trying to act her way through this movie. The plot, it was so very rushed, the movie could have been a lot better if they didn't try to push through the movie as quickly as they could. I never felt any sympathy for the main character Kyle, he just whined throughout the entire movie, the last about 20 minutes was the only time his character actually started to change.

   Really, I could talk about what is bad with this movie for another six paragraphs, so let's focus on something a little shorter. What's good about this movie, hopefully I can make a paragraph out of that. Let's see, I can sum up what was good about this movie in three simple letters N.P.H. Neil Patrick Harris, he was fantastic in this movie, he comedic timing was perfect, he carried the scenes he was in without breaking a sweat, that is for sure.

   Listen, normally I would say if you are into sappy romances watch this, but, this movie wasn't even a sappy romance, the plot moved so fast, that it seemed no romance even happened. This movie traveled at like Mach 10 throughout the whole film. It was rushed, and they made a poor choice in the female lead. Don't see this movie, you don't want to do that to yourself.

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