Sunday, May 8, 2011

All Good Things

   Normally you see me write I had no idea what this movie was about before I watched it. Well, for this movie I did see a trailer for it before I watched it, so I thought I knew what this movie was going to be like before watching it, I was wrong. The trailer gave me the completely wrong impression, it made me think this movie was going to be entertaining.

   All Good Things follows the life of David Marks from 1971 to 2003, a young man, aire to a real estate company in New York. As he falls in love, gets married and moves on with his life, things are not as well as they seem, something is wrong with David, but, what?

   Okay, the trailer for this movie was amazing, at leas to me, it did exactly as it was suppose to. It got my interest, it made me remember the movie, so when I came across it later on, I had to watch it. I wish I wouldn't of now, I should have just let that trailer be my only memory of this movie. Now, don't get me wrong, I've seen worse movies, it wasn't horrible, it just wasn't any good.

   The acting was decent, the story itself was bad. It follows a "true story" which is really just hearsay, but, aren't all movies that are based on true stories. Really all this movie had going for it was the main actors were attractive, and good act...sort of.

   It's kind of funny they named the movie All Good Things, seeing as it wasn't good, it was bad, I guess they should have called it All Bad Things: This Movie Sucks, Don't Watch It. That would have been more fitting I think. If you haven't got it yet, I don't recommend seeing this movie ever.

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