Saturday, May 21, 2011


   First of all, I love the basic idea for this movie, it's something I've always thought about. What if you could unlock the full potential of your brain. So, I was very much looking forward to seeing this movie. It may have not met all my expectations, but, it met enough of them for me to truly enjoy this movie from beginning to end.

   Limitless follows a struggling writer, who on a chance meet is offered a pill that will unlock the full potential of his brain, after using it for the first time, Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is amazed at what he could accomplish, at his motivation, at the pure power his brain possess. As a series of twists and turns leads Eddie into a world he didn't know existed, he must ask himself, is it all worth it.

   The thought of a pill that can bring your intelligence into the four digits just amazes me, and this movie did a pretty good job as showing what that would be like in real world terms. How quickly someone could rise from having nothing, to having the entire world at their fingertips. How a man could take twelve thousand dollars, and in one months time turn it into two million dollars. I was hooked on it through the whole film.

   This movie deserves to be watched, just for the premise of it alone. The basic idea this movie is based around is so interesting to me. The actual plot of the movie is adequate, the pacing was a bit off I felt, and the way it ended left more to be desired. But, I still enjoyed the hell out of it, and I think you will too. I do recommend seeing this movie.

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