Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Water for Elephants

   Now, I'm not a real fan of Robert Pattinson, but, I had been hearing good things about this movie, so I decided I would watch it. Well, I have to say, this was probably Robert Pattinson's best work form the movies of his I had seen so far.

  A veterinary student (Robert Pattinson) joins a traveling circus after tragedy strikes his home. After meeting the circus owners(Christoph Waltz) wife (Reese Witherspoon) he falls in love, and as their relationship blooms, life becomes much harder on the road.

   The movie wasn't quite what I thought it would be, but, it was still a decent watch. The story was quite good, and the acts in the circus were fun to watch. Christoph Waltz was the perfectly cast for this movie, in the role of the abusive husband. As much as I hated his character I loved to watch him play it. I didn't really feel the chemistry between Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson during the movie, which was a shame.

   Overall the movie was decent, nothing to write home about. I enjoyed it enough to recommend a watch if you have time. But, definitely not something you need to worry about missing, I don't see it winning any big awards.

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