Monday, March 28, 2011

Raw Deal

   Here we go again, I found another Arnold movie I had never seen before, and decided to watch it, this one is from 1986. This was an odd movie, it was like Arnold tried to be funny during this movie. He had quite a few one liners during it, but, he's not a comedic actor. He's an action star.

   A retired FBI agent gets placed as an undercover in the Chicago mob to bring them down single handily.

   Yeah, that's all you need for a plot line for this movie, nothing much else happens in it, he works his way into the mob, and then does what he does best. Kill everyone. It was an okay movie, the one liners were a little much, Arnold isn't good at delivering him, any movie of his where he tries to be funny, normally bombs, which could be the reason I never heard of this one. But, once the end of the movie rolled around, the Arnold we all know and love showed up guns blazing.

It's worth a watch for an Arnold movie, but, other then that, it wasn't anything special, I could have definitely gone with out seeing this one.

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