Friday, April 29, 2011


   This movie was a lot different, and a lot better then I thought it would be. I was never a fan of the series The Office, and therefore, never really seen anything Rainn Wilson has done. This movie however, may have me invest a little more into his career. It was a awkward and weired movie, but, those type of movies always work with me.

   Super is about an ordinary man, a cook at a diner(Rainn Wilson). After his wife is taken it away from him under the guise of drugs form a local drug dealer, he decides to become a Super Hero, fight crime, and get his wife back from the man who took her. Along the way meeting a young girl(Ellen Page), who becomes his sidekick.

   This movie was actually extremely graphic then I expected it would be. I really don't know how else to explain this movie, I guess just an awkward, over the top, somewhat misguided super hero fights crime. That's about the best description I can come up with. I have to touch on the character played by Ellen Page just a little bit. She's crazy, and psychotic, she really made the movie something beyond just your man becomes hero films that seem to be pumping out these last few years.

   As I said earlier, even know this movie, for the lack of a better term was fucked up, I still enjoyed it, and would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of do-it-yourself superheroes. Just don't expect this super heroes moral compass to be as straight as other heroes you know.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


   I knew absolutely nothing about this movie going in, all I knew is that it was the "scariest" movie in years. Now, I'm not a big horror fan, but I thought I guess I should see this. People have been telling me this is the most legit scary movie they've ever seen. So, I was ready for it, waited until it was dark out, shut off all the lights in my house and I was ready to be scared.

   Insidious follows a family who move into a new home. When one of their sons mysteriously falls into a coma, and the mother starts seeing what she believes to be ghost, she starts to believe that there is something more to this new house they moved into.

   I admit I jumped a few times watching it, however, it wasn't anything new and exciting that got me to jump, it was the same old quick flash on screen, queue jump in music, and boo! Other then that, I didn't think it was scary at all. What makes movies scary to me, is the possibility of it actually happening. The way the hunting was set up in this movie, gave no reason for me to fear it ever happening to me.

   In fact, the acting in this movie was so horrible, along with some of the shots of the "ghosts" I actually laughed a few times. That should be a dead give-a-way that you failed at making a horror film, when I laugh at what is suppose to be scary. You know I don't ever spoil anything in the movie during my reviews, but, if I did I would give you some very choice examples of the above.

   Really, the scariest movie I've ever seen, and don't laugh at this. No Country for Old Men. Seriously, the hit man played by Javier Bardem literally frightened me. Just because I felt it could actually happen, more likely then any horror movie I've seen. It was just, terrifying.

   The horrible acting, and the lack of fright aside, this movie wasn't to bad. It was a take I had never personally seen before, though I'm sure exist. I guess I'd honestly recommend seeing this, if not for the fact that you can laugh at the people who were actually scared by this movie.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Dilemma

   Let's just say their is a reason this movie only has a 4.9 rating out of 10 on IMDB. It's not a good movie. Really, the best part of this movie was when the credits began to roll, because that meant it was over and I'd get to move on with my life and never have to sit through that travesty again.

   What would you do if you caught your best friends wife with another man? The Dilemma takes two business parts who are trying to create a realistic sounding electric engine and puts one of them in that same situation.

   It wouldn't have been as bad if the movie was actually funny, which it wasn't. The story of the film I thought would have been a good idea if it had been done right, which it wasn't. The movie might have been decent had the acting been at least sub par, which it wasn't. So the movie went zero for three in my eyes, a failure on all accounts. I expected better, well, hoped for better, but, was let down in the end.

   I wouldn't wish this movie on my worst enemy, if that's any inclination of how bad it is, double it and you are at least close. I don't not recommend seeing this movie, but, if you do, I'm sorry for your loss.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Buddy Holly Story

   Yeah, this movie came out before I was born, and I watched it for the first time last night. Released in 1978, and you know, I never would have guessed that, the quality of this movie really held through the years. I have to say I was impressed.

   This movie followed the rise and untimely death of Buddy Holly (Gary Busey).

   Yeah, that's about all you need for as synopsis of this movie,  I have to say Gary Busey was pretty good in this movie, I can see why he ended up getting nominated for Best Actor from this movie. Now, of course Buddy Holly was way before my time, but, I have to say, this movie made me want to learn more about him, it's something that with just over a year of fame before his death he was able to influence so many people later down the road.

   I know this movie got hit pretty hard after its release for all of its inaccuracies, but still, from just a semi biographical point a of view, and for just the sheer entertainment purposes of the movie, it was well worth the watch. The ending of the movie, and I mean the very ending, the last scene where they just freeze the shot and put what happened later that night on scene made me laugh. The whole movie was good, but, that scene was just ridiculous, like they ran out of ideas for how to end it.

Other then that one part, the movie was very good, and I'd recommend it to anyone, just to get a rough idea of what life was like as Buddy Holly.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Just Go With It

   I had forgotten all about this movie, until I happened to come across it the other day. I didn't even really know what it was going to be about, or even who was in it besides Jenifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, just because they were on the cover. So going in with no expectations prior, it was pretty funny.

   Just Go With It follows the life of a plastic surgeon (Adam Sandler) who uses a fake wedding ring to pick up girls. He so happens to find the woman of his dreams who believes he is married. Using his assistant (Jennifer Aniston) and her children he tries to convince Palmer (Brooklyn Decker) he is getting a divorce.

   That's basically what the movie is about it's basically the same old story when it comes to Hollywood "love stories". So, you know how that is going to end. Other then that, it was pretty funny, a little over the top in a few places, but, that's to be expected with Adam Sandler movies.

   I enjoyed watching it though, I laughed out loud a few times, which is always a good sign watching a comedy. Overall it wasn't to bad, if your fan of any of the actors in this movie, or you want to see Brooklyn Decker in a bikini, I recommend watching this.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Eagle

   I'm normally a big fan of Roman era movies, but, this movie may have single handedly made me hate that genre. Seriously, this movie was terrible, I'm not even sure if I really need to write a full review for it. It was two hours of boring.

   Honestly, screw it, this movie was so horrible that I don't even want to give this movie a full review, don't see this movie, it is really bad, if you come across this movie, I recommend you light it on fire, and bury it under cement.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Rite

   I'll be honest I'm not a big fan of horror movies, I think it might stem from my parents love of horror movies, and me watching so many at a young age. Perhaps I just crew out of the need to feel scared, or irked out. Be that as it may, I decided to sit and take this movie on and see what had to offer, seeing the staggering number of exorcism movies that have cropped up in recent years.

   The Rite follows Michael Kovak (Colin O'Donoghue) as he joins seminary school, to try and trick the church into paying for his schooling with out becoming a priest. As his schooling is nearing it's end, the church sends him to take an exorcism course in the Vatican, to try and sway his decision to leave, but, could other forces be pushing him on this path?

   Of the few exorcism movies I've seen, I found this one to be the most "realistic" in the portraying of a demonic possession. Not saying I'm an expert on it, but, it seemed like the events that unfolded in this movie were more believable to have happened then say what happened in The Exorcist.

   Be that is it may, this movie still wasn't that good. I even laughed out loud at a few of the more thriller inducing scenes because they were just so over acted and cheesy. So, let's keep this simply, unless you are a big fan of the actors in this movie, or of the exorcism genre, I don't recommend this one.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Am Number Four

   Okay, I just want to get one thing out of the way, this movie ends by setting up a sequel, so the first thing I did after I finished watching it was to see how poorly it did in the box office. It's safe to assume this sequel will never happen, so just keep that in mind first in for most, you will more then likely not know how this saga will end.

   I Am Number Four is about nine aliens who are being hunted by another group of aliens on earth. This particular story focuses on Number Four, with the three before him already killed, he knows he is next, as he and his protector (Timothy Olyphant) try to hide from them.

   I am sadden to know that the chances of this movie seeing a sequel are slim, but, still in the grand scheme of things, this movie wasn't good enough to earn a sequel. It was mostly just trying to cash in on the whole young teen market that is in full force right now with The Twilight Saga and Harry Potter movies.

   Main reason I watched this movie, I'm a big fan of Timothy Olyphant, he however didn't get to much screen time anyway, so let's make this one quick I do not recommend watching this. Especially since you'll never get to see how the saga finishes, what's the point?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Strings Attached

   Listen, I had no intention of ever seeing this movie, that's how much I dislike Ashton Kutcher, but, I had a hard time passing up a Natalie Portman movie, even after the tragedy that was the New Star Wars trilogy.

  Guess what else, I don't think I'm going to do a synopsis for this movie, because I really hate writing those, I'm not sure why but I do. So, here's the short and sweet, guy really likes this girl, she is emotionally numb, they decide to be sex friends, you tell me what happens next?

   Overall, the movie was okay I guess, it had a few funny parts throughout the film, but, it was you basic romantic comedy, followed the same story arc that they all follow, I'm fairly certain I don't have to tell you what that is. Without even starting this movie, you already know how it will end, you already know what the arc of the story is, you know it all.

  So really, what is the point of seeing this movie if you already know everything that is going to happen in this movie? Honestly, there isn't a reason, it was okay, but, wasn't anything special. I mean, come on, same old played out movie. You should just do yourself a favor and watch a more unique romantic comedy, like 500 Days of Summer, at least it's different.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Battle: Los Angeles

Man, have I heard a lot of bad stuff about this movie before I watched it. I mean a lot, about how poor the plot was, about how unrealistic it was, about how poor the military decisions were. First of all, it was a movie, it isn't a documentary, it was meant to entertain you, not give you a play by play of what would really happen. On that note, it was entertaining to me. I thought it was a pretty damn good action movie.

   When meteors begin to strike the earth, just off the coast of every continent with expert precision, the military is sent in to investigate, what turns out to be a full scale invasion from another planet. Why are they here? What do they want? Can we stop them before they wipe us out?

   Sure, the fighting was a bit unrealistic, these cyborg, armor clad, laser shooting aliens are being torn a new one by like 12 Marines, yet, when the aliens come against another soldiers, be it Marine or otherwise they simply mow through them. Yeah, hard to believe, but, as I stated above, it was just movie, meant to entertain, and it was successful at that.

   If you're a fan of alien invasions, giant explosions, gunfights, and war in general. This movie is something that should really pique your interest, I recommend it.