Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Water for Elephants

   Now, I'm not a real fan of Robert Pattinson, but, I had been hearing good things about this movie, so I decided I would watch it. Well, I have to say, this was probably Robert Pattinson's best work form the movies of his I had seen so far.

  A veterinary student (Robert Pattinson) joins a traveling circus after tragedy strikes his home. After meeting the circus owners(Christoph Waltz) wife (Reese Witherspoon) he falls in love, and as their relationship blooms, life becomes much harder on the road.

   The movie wasn't quite what I thought it would be, but, it was still a decent watch. The story was quite good, and the acts in the circus were fun to watch. Christoph Waltz was the perfectly cast for this movie, in the role of the abusive husband. As much as I hated his character I loved to watch him play it. I didn't really feel the chemistry between Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson during the movie, which was a shame.

   Overall the movie was decent, nothing to write home about. I enjoyed it enough to recommend a watch if you have time. But, definitely not something you need to worry about missing, I don't see it winning any big awards.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


   First of all, I love the basic idea for this movie, it's something I've always thought about. What if you could unlock the full potential of your brain. So, I was very much looking forward to seeing this movie. It may have not met all my expectations, but, it met enough of them for me to truly enjoy this movie from beginning to end.

   Limitless follows a struggling writer, who on a chance meet is offered a pill that will unlock the full potential of his brain, after using it for the first time, Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is amazed at what he could accomplish, at his motivation, at the pure power his brain possess. As a series of twists and turns leads Eddie into a world he didn't know existed, he must ask himself, is it all worth it.

   The thought of a pill that can bring your intelligence into the four digits just amazes me, and this movie did a pretty good job as showing what that would be like in real world terms. How quickly someone could rise from having nothing, to having the entire world at their fingertips. How a man could take twelve thousand dollars, and in one months time turn it into two million dollars. I was hooked on it through the whole film.

   This movie deserves to be watched, just for the premise of it alone. The basic idea this movie is based around is so interesting to me. The actual plot of the movie is adequate, the pacing was a bit off I felt, and the way it ended left more to be desired. But, I still enjoyed the hell out of it, and I think you will too. I do recommend seeing this movie.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


   A modern day version of the classic Beauty and the Beast story done horribly. It wasn't as bad as I heard it was, but, it was horrible none the less. Neil Patrick Harris couldn't even put this movie back on track, maybe if he had gotten a little more screen time, he could have saved this poor movies ugly soul.

   Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) is a vain jerk, who believes beauty is all that matters, when he rags on the wrong girl about her looks, she curses him to be as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside. She gives him a year to find real love or he will stay ugly forever. Can he really change and become a better person?

   Okay, where should I start? The title of this movie is Beastly, that is a horrible title for any movie. I should have known what I was getting into with that. Vanessa Hudgens, how is she famous? She cannot act at all, she's a pretty face who seems to have an issue with taking naked pictures of herself, that's it. I actually felt a little embarrassed for her trying to act her way through this movie. The plot, it was so very rushed, the movie could have been a lot better if they didn't try to push through the movie as quickly as they could. I never felt any sympathy for the main character Kyle, he just whined throughout the entire movie, the last about 20 minutes was the only time his character actually started to change.

   Really, I could talk about what is bad with this movie for another six paragraphs, so let's focus on something a little shorter. What's good about this movie, hopefully I can make a paragraph out of that. Let's see, I can sum up what was good about this movie in three simple letters N.P.H. Neil Patrick Harris, he was fantastic in this movie, he comedic timing was perfect, he carried the scenes he was in without breaking a sweat, that is for sure.

   Listen, normally I would say if you are into sappy romances watch this, but, this movie wasn't even a sappy romance, the plot moved so fast, that it seemed no romance even happened. This movie traveled at like Mach 10 throughout the whole film. It was rushed, and they made a poor choice in the female lead. Don't see this movie, you don't want to do that to yourself.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer

   Well, it was a predictable movie, not a lot of surprises through out the film, but, it was still a good watch, and well acted. I also believe this was a new record for Matthew McConaughey, he only took his shirt off one time throughout the entire movie.

   A defense lawyer who works out of the back of his Lincoln town car is presented with the case of a rice Beverly Hills Realtor, accused of attacking a women. As Mick Haller (Matthew McConaughey) begins to investigate his clients story, he discovers there maybe a lot more to this case then he is able to handle.

   It was a well acted film, with a decent story and good writing attached to it. It kept me interested until the very end. It may not have been as clever, or edge of my seat as I had hopped, but, it was still good, and I enjoyed it none the less.

   If you have about two hours of free time on your hands, and are interested in watching court room drama, this is the movie for you, even if your not, I'd still recommend a viewing in the future. This movie may not win any awards in the future, or be  considered a classic, but it was still fun to watch.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hall Pass

   Let's start off with, this wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, not to say that it wasn't pretty funny though. Had a few good laughs through out the movie, but, most of the scenes that were suppose to be funny, really were just more awkward in my opinion. It was a very awkward funny movie I think, and that type of comedy just doesn't work well on me, I believe I commented on that in the past.

   Hall Pass follows two married men who still have their eyes on other women, with the delusion that they could nail those women if only they weren't married. Well, their wives fed up with the way their husbands have been thinking, decide to give them a one week free pass from marriage to let them do whatever they want. Will these guys get hit reality, or will their dream really come to fruition.

   The acting from the main characters was pretty good, but, the supporting cast was horrible. Ruined a lot of the immersion as the movie went on. The plot was very bare bones in my opinion, a very liner story line, with a few good laughs, and a lot of awkward-ness.

   I'd have to say, wait until this movie comes on your premium cable channels before watching it, you are really not missing out on much, I'd recommend it if you catch on and have nothing better to do. You really shouldn't go out of your way to watch this one though, not worth the trouble.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

All Good Things

   Normally you see me write I had no idea what this movie was about before I watched it. Well, for this movie I did see a trailer for it before I watched it, so I thought I knew what this movie was going to be like before watching it, I was wrong. The trailer gave me the completely wrong impression, it made me think this movie was going to be entertaining.

   All Good Things follows the life of David Marks from 1971 to 2003, a young man, aire to a real estate company in New York. As he falls in love, gets married and moves on with his life, things are not as well as they seem, something is wrong with David, but, what?

   Okay, the trailer for this movie was amazing, at leas to me, it did exactly as it was suppose to. It got my interest, it made me remember the movie, so when I came across it later on, I had to watch it. I wish I wouldn't of now, I should have just let that trailer be my only memory of this movie. Now, don't get me wrong, I've seen worse movies, it wasn't horrible, it just wasn't any good.

   The acting was decent, the story itself was bad. It follows a "true story" which is really just hearsay, but, aren't all movies that are based on true stories. Really all this movie had going for it was the main actors were attractive, and good act...sort of.

   It's kind of funny they named the movie All Good Things, seeing as it wasn't good, it was bad, I guess they should have called it All Bad Things: This Movie Sucks, Don't Watch It. That would have been more fitting I think. If you haven't got it yet, I don't recommend seeing this movie ever.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

   I didn't expect this film to be as interesting as it was. I was very glad to be wrong about that. It took a very scifi turn, that I didn't even know this movie had, guess I should start watching trailers for films more often. The acting was very good, one of the best performances from Matt Damon I've seen in awhile.

   What if there were people who made sure you life followed a certain path. On the days you start to drift from you set path, they may have you lose your keys, misplace your shoes. The Adjustment Bureau follows just that idea, but, no matter how hard they tried, could they really push a person into the path they want, or can people, through seer will make their own paths.

   It was a perfect blend of drama, romance, and with just the right amount of comedy sprinkled over top. This movie was very interesting, and will keep you guessing until the very end. The on screen chemistry between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt was palpable, was wonderful to watch.

   I didn't expect much from this movie, but was surprised, it was very well done, and paced. I definitely recommend seeing this movie, make time for it one night, or one rainy afternoon. It was worth the watch.