Monday, March 21, 2011

Red Heat

   That's right, we're going way back in time today. This movie came out in 1988, and I just watched it for the first time last night. I said I would review every new movie I see this year, and this movie was new to me, so, here we go. First of all, before we get into it, I have to say it was odd seeing all these actors I know so young. Laurence Fishburne being one of them, I remember him from The Matrix and C.S.I, but man did he look different in this movie.

   Red Heat is about a Russian police officer (Arnold Schwarzenegger) who is chasing a drug dealer who fleas to America, there he gets partnered up with a Chicago police officer (James Belushi). They team up to try and capture this drug dealer, but first, they have to learn to work together and look past their difference if they ever want to succeed.

   This was your pretty standard buddy cop movie, James  Belushi playing a cop, which seems to be his go to roll, and Arnold Schwarzenegger playing a Russian police officer with no sense of humor. It's funny I had never heard of this movie until I happen to come across it flipping though channels, it was a pretty decent movie I thought.

   It had it's faults, with some over acting, and poor dialog, but, over all it told a good story, for a buddy cop movie at least. It all came together at the end, showing the moral of the story, Russians and Americans can be friends. Right? I'm pretty sure that was the message they were showing us. I'd recommend a watch, even for just the nostalgia of it.

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