Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Tourist

 Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, who would have thought this wonderful combination of actors would make an extremely mediocre movie? Not I, that is for sure, I expected great things, until I actually watched it. I had a funny feeling I had seen this already, but, I couldn't remember where, then it hit me. Knight and Day + Killers = The Tourist, of course how could I have been so blind.

   A man meets a beautiful mysterious woman on a train, who oddly seems interested in him, as the two continue to get to know one another, the man starts to notice something odd, people seem to be following them, she seems to be a little to mysterious. When gunmen attack him, he decides to figure out what is really going on, and why this woman is connected to the events, and even helping him through them.

   How about that for a synopsis of a movie? I pretty much said the plot to one hundred different movies in there, which is oddly enough exactly what this movie was. The same as one hundred other movies. Mind you it may have had the gorgeous Angelina Jolie, and the dashing Johnny Depp in it, but, really they could only take it so far before it became a walking cliche.

   The movie had a few funny moments in it I did enjoy, and a I could see it coming since the opening credits rolled twist at the end. It may have been mediocre at best, and the same plot as one hundred movies before it, but, I'm not upset I watched it. Let's just leave it at that.

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