Sunday, March 13, 2011

TRON: Legacy

   Alright, it's been far to long I admit it, but, what can I say I haven't had much time to watch any movies as of late. So, here it is then. TRON: Legacy, I was pretty pumped for this movie when I heard they were making a sequel to the original TRON, and this one well, it wasn't the original but it was still good.

   Normally I'll put a brief over view of the movie right here, but, come on it's TRON, you know what happened in the original, in this one it's 20 years later and the son of Kevin Flynn, Sam Flynn finds his way into the grid just like his father did all those years ago.

   Let's keep this short and sweet, you really don't need to draw out a review for a movie like TRON: Legacy, you either like it or you don't. No other way to put it, I liked it. It wasn't as good as the original, but, then again not many things are. It was fun, and the soundtrack, which was done by Daft Punk was amazing. I highly recommend you see it, but, first you need to watch the original TRON, if you haven't already, shame on you.

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