Monday, March 28, 2011

Raw Deal

   Here we go again, I found another Arnold movie I had never seen before, and decided to watch it, this one is from 1986. This was an odd movie, it was like Arnold tried to be funny during this movie. He had quite a few one liners during it, but, he's not a comedic actor. He's an action star.

   A retired FBI agent gets placed as an undercover in the Chicago mob to bring them down single handily.

   Yeah, that's all you need for a plot line for this movie, nothing much else happens in it, he works his way into the mob, and then does what he does best. Kill everyone. It was an okay movie, the one liners were a little much, Arnold isn't good at delivering him, any movie of his where he tries to be funny, normally bombs, which could be the reason I never heard of this one. But, once the end of the movie rolled around, the Arnold we all know and love showed up guns blazing.

It's worth a watch for an Arnold movie, but, other then that, it wasn't anything special, I could have definitely gone with out seeing this one.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Little Fockers

   I was a rather big fan of the first two movies, I thought they were both very funny, and well done. This one on the other hand was very lackluster. The movie was about a hour and a half long, and I only laughed maybe twice through out the whole movie. It really just wasn't funny at all.

   Little Fockers is the third movie to focus on the Byrnes and Focker families. This one takes place years after the second movie, Greg and Pam have twins getting ready to turn five, and are getting ready for their birthday, which of course will bring this strange family back together for what will be a crazy weekend.

   First of all, let me just say the character played by Jessica Alba, was just horrible. Completely unfunny, just annoying and awkward. I never thought I'd dread seeing her gorgeous self on screen in a movie, but, she was able to pull it off for this movie. Not to mention, it was just the same tired old jokes from the first two movies getting rehashed out again in a different setting. It was really a let down.

   As you can see from the way I explained my feelings on this movie, I would definitely not recommend anyone watch this, please don't even waste your time on it. It was boring, unfunny, and pretty much plot-less. I wish I didn't take the time to watch it, and just forgot it was even made.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Tourist

 Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, who would have thought this wonderful combination of actors would make an extremely mediocre movie? Not I, that is for sure, I expected great things, until I actually watched it. I had a funny feeling I had seen this already, but, I couldn't remember where, then it hit me. Knight and Day + Killers = The Tourist, of course how could I have been so blind.

   A man meets a beautiful mysterious woman on a train, who oddly seems interested in him, as the two continue to get to know one another, the man starts to notice something odd, people seem to be following them, she seems to be a little to mysterious. When gunmen attack him, he decides to figure out what is really going on, and why this woman is connected to the events, and even helping him through them.

   How about that for a synopsis of a movie? I pretty much said the plot to one hundred different movies in there, which is oddly enough exactly what this movie was. The same as one hundred other movies. Mind you it may have had the gorgeous Angelina Jolie, and the dashing Johnny Depp in it, but, really they could only take it so far before it became a walking cliche.

   The movie had a few funny moments in it I did enjoy, and a I could see it coming since the opening credits rolled twist at the end. It may have been mediocre at best, and the same plot as one hundred movies before it, but, I'm not upset I watched it. Let's just leave it at that.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Red Heat

   That's right, we're going way back in time today. This movie came out in 1988, and I just watched it for the first time last night. I said I would review every new movie I see this year, and this movie was new to me, so, here we go. First of all, before we get into it, I have to say it was odd seeing all these actors I know so young. Laurence Fishburne being one of them, I remember him from The Matrix and C.S.I, but man did he look different in this movie.

   Red Heat is about a Russian police officer (Arnold Schwarzenegger) who is chasing a drug dealer who fleas to America, there he gets partnered up with a Chicago police officer (James Belushi). They team up to try and capture this drug dealer, but first, they have to learn to work together and look past their difference if they ever want to succeed.

   This was your pretty standard buddy cop movie, James  Belushi playing a cop, which seems to be his go to roll, and Arnold Schwarzenegger playing a Russian police officer with no sense of humor. It's funny I had never heard of this movie until I happen to come across it flipping though channels, it was a pretty decent movie I thought.

   It had it's faults, with some over acting, and poor dialog, but, over all it told a good story, for a buddy cop movie at least. It all came together at the end, showing the moral of the story, Russians and Americans can be friends. Right? I'm pretty sure that was the message they were showing us. I'd recommend a watch, even for just the nostalgia of it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Season of the Witch

   This movie has been getting the short end of the stick, a lot of people have been calling it a horrible movie, and I have to say, they were correct to a point. However, it wasn't as bad as people have made out. That one thing is certain.

   Season of the Witch is about two Knights Templar (Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman) who desert after disagreeing on an attack they were ordered to make. Their journey away from the church brought them to a village anguished by a plague thought to be the work of a witch. After being discovered as deserters they agree to bring the witch to trail, a journey they thought to be simple will soon be the greatest test of will they've ever undergone.

   At first I was put off by the movie, but, as it continued on I became more intrigued with what was happening, and what was going to happen. The acting wasn't the greatest throughout, Nicolas Cage seemed to really phone in his performance, Ron Perlman isn't a bad actor, he just seems to play the same character in every movie. I have always been interested in medieval themed films, and films about the occult, that kept me quite entertained throughout.

   I don't think I'll ever watch this movie again, but, I don't feel like I wasted my time watching it either. So, if you're a fan of any of the actors in the film, or of the theme the filmed is based on, I'd recommend a watch.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

TRON: Legacy

   Alright, it's been far to long I admit it, but, what can I say I haven't had much time to watch any movies as of late. So, here it is then. TRON: Legacy, I was pretty pumped for this movie when I heard they were making a sequel to the original TRON, and this one well, it wasn't the original but it was still good.

   Normally I'll put a brief over view of the movie right here, but, come on it's TRON, you know what happened in the original, in this one it's 20 years later and the son of Kevin Flynn, Sam Flynn finds his way into the grid just like his father did all those years ago.

   Let's keep this short and sweet, you really don't need to draw out a review for a movie like TRON: Legacy, you either like it or you don't. No other way to put it, I liked it. It wasn't as good as the original, but, then again not many things are. It was fun, and the soundtrack, which was done by Daft Punk was amazing. I highly recommend you see it, but, first you need to watch the original TRON, if you haven't already, shame on you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


   Even know I didn't know a whole lot about this movie, I knew I really wanted to see it, seeing as I've enjoyed every other film that I've seen directed by Clint Eastwood. So, when I sat down and finally got a chance to watch it, I was pretty excited. Alas, the excitement was ill placed. The movie wasn't like I expected it to be, just okay.

   Hereafter is about a three people and how their lives end up intersecting with one another though death and the afterlife. A man with the ability to speak with the dead, a woman whose near death experience let her view the afterlife, and a child who lost his brother all come together to complete a moving story of life and death.

   Listen, the movie was okay, but I really didn't care for the way Matt Damon's character was portrayed, he was a gifted psychic who hated the gift he was given, the ability to communicate with the dead. He just seemed like a whiner throughout the whole movie, always complain about his ability, and belittling people who ask for his help.

  That was probably what ruin the movie for me, if there is one thing I dislike in a character, it's someone who complains when they have an amazing gift, or when they have everything in the world and still whine about it. I wouldn't recommend this movie, but, I might be a bit biased about it, who knows.