Saturday, July 9, 2011

Source Code

   Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I'm getting much lazier with my reviews as of late, but, so what, you can suck my butt. Keeping it short and to the point with this review, I'm going to pound this puppy out in like 3 minutes. It was better then I thought it would be, but not as good as I hoped it would be.

   An action thriller centered on a soldier who wakes up in the body of an unknown man and discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train. Struggling with his mission, and the issues of death, he finds out more then he needs to know.

   The movie started off pretty slow, but, it ramped up near the middle, slowed back down, and then had a nice ride of an ending. The acting was good, even know the actors were acting out the same scenes with different dialog over and over, it still kept me interested in what was happening, and what was going to happen next.

   As I said, it was better then I thought it would be, but, not quite as good or interesting as I had hoped it would have been. With that in mind, I say it's a decent watch for a boring night, don't expect anything to mind blowing with this film, but, I think as the credits begin to roll at the end, you'll be satisfied with what you just saw.

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