Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True Grit

True Grit is a remake of a classic western by the same name staring John Wayne, so of course I went into True Grit looking forward to what the great Cohen brothers could do with this tale of murder and vengeance.

True Grit is about a daughters drive to avenger her fathers death by hiring a U.S. Marshal to track down the man that murdered him and bring him to justice, along with the help of a Texas Ranger the three head off hunting for this man, and the gang he rolled out with.

I have to say I was not disappointed this movie was great, the acting was superb, the story was gripping, and the cinematography, simply mesmerizing. Vast locations, and changing weather really helped show the shear force of the elements this group had to deal with on their journey.

What a better person to pick up The Duke's boots .but, The Dude, Jeff Bridges. Mr. Bridges really stepped up and grabbed this character by the throat and showed us what he could do with him, he may very well be looking at another Best Actor Oscar with this performance.

Matt Damon really blew me away with his character, I really didn't expect him to fit this part as well as he did, we knew he could do action, and we knew he was a phenomenal actor, but , how many pictured him as a cowboy in buck skin and with fringe. After watching him in True Grit it's safe to say he pulled it off.

Hailee Steinfeld was quite the surprise, I had never heard of her prior to this movie but, now I will be looking forward to what she chooses to do next, all I can say is she was very compelling in her roll of the no nonsense daughter of a murdered man she looked to avenge if that even makes sense. She kept right up with her senior co-stars and preformed beautifully.

True Grit was spectacular and you really couldn't expect any less coming from Joel and Ethan Cohen, they really struck the ball out of the park with this remake, and I for one am waiting on edge to get a look at what they decide to do next.

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