Friday, January 7, 2011


I try my best to watch every CGI movie that comes out, I've missed a few here and there, but, I've seen the majority that has come out since the original Toy Story.

Megamind didn't really stand out as anything above average. It was entertaining, had a few funny moments, but nothing that really made me stop and say "Wow!". I'm sure I wasn't the target audience however, I still liked the film.

Megamind is the tale of two aliens who are sent to earth as babies, one grows up to be a villain, the other a hero. The two battle one another for years until a string of events puts the villain in the hero's shoes.

Megamind stars Brad Pitt and Will Ferrell as hero and villain respectfully, with support from Jonah Hill and Tiny Fey. The one part of the movie that really stood out for me were the music queues. Every time Megamind (Will Ferrell) made an entrance on would come an 80's metal song, like Guns 'n' Roses Welcome to the Jungle or George Thorogood's Bad to the Done. Those small things was something that made me enjoy the movie a little bit more.

Overall the movie was enough to keep me occupied, I'd recommend a watch if you have nothing better to do, but not required viewing.

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