Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Schindler's List

   Yeah, I know I'm rather behind with the times seeing as I just now watched this film for the first time. Well, better late then never, right? So initial gut reaction of the movie, it was fantastic.

   Schindler's List stars Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler, a member of the Nazi Party during World War 2, who ends up starting a company, and though contacts hires Jews to work for him. At first Schindler just wanted to make money, but, he comes to want to help the Jews, and end up being one of their biggest, and most unlikely helps.

   Schindler's List as I previously said was a fantastic film, the movie being in black and white really made you pay attention to the characters and the dialog, instead of studying the surroundings during a scene. the sheer brutality portrayed in the film is so frustrating, knowing that events like this actually happened and a lot more often then one could dream.

  Steven Spielberg really put the Holocaust out for everyone to see, and experience in a sense, through the eyes of those involved. It was terrible knowing these events took place, even know Oskar Schindler became a better man because of it, it is something that cannot happen ever again. Everyone must see this film.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alpha and Omega

   Alright, let's just get this out of the way, this movie was pretty bad, even for a kids movie. I mean, I'm pretty sure most kids even thought it was as cheesy as myself.

   Alpha and Omega is the story about two wolves, one being an Alpha wolf (Hayden Panettiere) and the other an Omega (Justin Long). These two wolves have know each other since pup hood, and after the two wolves get caught by park rangers and sent to another park for repopulating, they decide to make their way back to save their pack from war, with the rival Eastern Pack, and maybe even grow closer along the way.

   First of all, one of the main characters names is Humphrey, voiced by Justin long. That name itself kinda sums up this movie better then I could. I understand this was a movie targeting a certain audience, but, really, children couldn't even appreciate this trash.

   This was, however, one of the last films Dennis Hopper worked on, he voiced the Eastern Pack leader, and Danny Glover the Western Pack leader. It's sad to see such an actor like Dennis Hopper go, but, it's even worse to know that this was one of the last things he worked on, and will be remembered for doing. I do not recommend this movie to anyone, ever.

Friday, January 7, 2011

127 Hours

Danny Boyle's 127 Hours was gripping. James Franco owned this role, I always knew he had some skill but, I did not expect something of this magnitude. Not many actors can pull off a film all by themselves, and not many directors can handle it either.

127 Hours is the true story of Aron Ralston, a mountaineer who got his hand caught under a rock while cayoneering in Utah and ended up having to amputate his own arm to survive.

Of course, the amputation scene was crazy for lack of a better word. It was extremely graphic and very realistic, or so I assume. I've never actually seen a man cut his own arm off with a dull knife before, but if that is what it really looks like, I don't want to see it again.

Everything about this movie was right, the writing, directing, photography, sound, lighting, and of course the acting. It was like the Hollywood version of the big bang. A random grouping of particles colliding into one another and exploding creating life and the entire universe. I really don't think I can word it any better go see this movie.


I try my best to watch every CGI movie that comes out, I've missed a few here and there, but, I've seen the majority that has come out since the original Toy Story.

Megamind didn't really stand out as anything above average. It was entertaining, had a few funny moments, but nothing that really made me stop and say "Wow!". I'm sure I wasn't the target audience however, I still liked the film.

Megamind is the tale of two aliens who are sent to earth as babies, one grows up to be a villain, the other a hero. The two battle one another for years until a string of events puts the villain in the hero's shoes.

Megamind stars Brad Pitt and Will Ferrell as hero and villain respectfully, with support from Jonah Hill and Tiny Fey. The one part of the movie that really stood out for me were the music queues. Every time Megamind (Will Ferrell) made an entrance on would come an 80's metal song, like Guns 'n' Roses Welcome to the Jungle or George Thorogood's Bad to the Done. Those small things was something that made me enjoy the movie a little bit more.

Overall the movie was enough to keep me occupied, I'd recommend a watch if you have nothing better to do, but not required viewing.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True Grit

True Grit is a remake of a classic western by the same name staring John Wayne, so of course I went into True Grit looking forward to what the great Cohen brothers could do with this tale of murder and vengeance.

True Grit is about a daughters drive to avenger her fathers death by hiring a U.S. Marshal to track down the man that murdered him and bring him to justice, along with the help of a Texas Ranger the three head off hunting for this man, and the gang he rolled out with.

I have to say I was not disappointed this movie was great, the acting was superb, the story was gripping, and the cinematography, simply mesmerizing. Vast locations, and changing weather really helped show the shear force of the elements this group had to deal with on their journey.

What a better person to pick up The Duke's boots .but, The Dude, Jeff Bridges. Mr. Bridges really stepped up and grabbed this character by the throat and showed us what he could do with him, he may very well be looking at another Best Actor Oscar with this performance.

Matt Damon really blew me away with his character, I really didn't expect him to fit this part as well as he did, we knew he could do action, and we knew he was a phenomenal actor, but , how many pictured him as a cowboy in buck skin and with fringe. After watching him in True Grit it's safe to say he pulled it off.

Hailee Steinfeld was quite the surprise, I had never heard of her prior to this movie but, now I will be looking forward to what she chooses to do next, all I can say is she was very compelling in her roll of the no nonsense daughter of a murdered man she looked to avenge if that even makes sense. She kept right up with her senior co-stars and preformed beautifully.

True Grit was spectacular and you really couldn't expect any less coming from Joel and Ethan Cohen, they really struck the ball out of the park with this remake, and I for one am waiting on edge to get a look at what they decide to do next.